120 research outputs found


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    Au cours de l’année 1975, l’Institut Régional pour la Sauvegarde des Monuments historiques de Split a effectué la rénovation de la maison gothique sur la Place du Saint-Esprit à Hvar, avec l’intention de permettre l’utilisation du rez-de-chaussée et du Ièr étage comme logement. A cause de l’état statique périlleux des façades méridionale et orientale de la maison, il a fallu les démonter complètement et, après avoir posé une nouvelle ceinture de fondement, devant empêcher un tassement ultérieur de la façade, leur réhaussement a été effectué dans l’état antérieur. Etant donné qu’il s’agit d’une maisnon présentant les caractéristiques du style gothique du XVe. s., typiques pour la structure urbaine de la ville de Hvar à cette époque, il fallait, d’après les principes de conservation, maintenir l’identité de tous les traits plastiques particulies de la façade et les rénover dans la forme authentique dans laquelle elle avait été trouvée. En même temps, l’adjonction de deux arcs sur le côté droit de la façade mèridionale, sur la base des traces et analogies conservées, a complété l’ensemble et la dynamique de son aspect

    Artificial intelligence based writer identification generates new evidence for the unknown scribes of the Dead Sea Scrolls exemplified by the Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa)

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    The Dead Sea Scrolls are tangible evidence of the Bible's ancient scribal culture. This study takes an innovative approach to palaeography-the study of ancient handwriting-as a new entry point to access this scribal culture. One of the problems of palaeography is to determine writer identity or difference when the writing style is near uniform. This is exemplified by the Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa). To this end, we use pattern recognition and artificial intelligence techniques to innovate the palaeography of the scrolls and to pioneer the microlevel of individual scribes to open access to the Bible's ancient scribal culture. We report new evidence for a breaking point in the series of columns in this scroll. Without prior assumption of writer identity, based on point clouds of the reduced-dimensionality feature-space, we found that columns from the first and second halves of the manuscript ended up in two distinct zones of such scatter plots, notably for a range of digital palaeography tools, each addressing very different featural aspects of the script samples. In a secondary, independent, analysis, now assuming writer difference and using yet another independent feature method and several different types of statistical testing, a switching point was found in the column series. A clear phase transition is apparent in columns 27-29. We also demonstrated a difference in distance variances such that the variance is higher in the second part of the manuscript. Given the statistically significant differences between the two halves, a tertiary, post-hoc analysis was performed using visual inspection of character heatmaps and of the most discriminative Fraglet sets in the script. Demonstrating that two main scribes, each showing different writing patterns, were responsible for the Great Isaiah Scroll, this study sheds new light on the Bible's ancient scribal culture by providing new, tangible evidence that ancient biblical texts were not copied by a single scribe only but that multiple scribes, while carefully mirroring another scribe's writing style, could closely collaborate on one particular manuscript

    Managing agricultural company by using internal control and significance of risk presentation

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    The survival of a company on the market is possible if there is a good company managing, led by agile and professional management. Company development is a general objective and it can be achieved if the management of the company managed to establish their own style of organization and management. In addition to the aforesaid, the management should have a developed system of internal control within the regular and continuous business operations. Our contribution is reflected in the presentation of mode of managing nursery-garden plant production, using internal control for the benefits of management. We found that the application of detected risks in said production could be presented and illustrated in a range of risks, all of it with the aim of making management decisions that will reduce the overall risk of an agricultural company's business operations

    Impact of different light intensity on the production of the plant Narcissus L. and its financial effects

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    Plant production monitoring should be conducted taking into consideration agrarian, economic and other factors. The authors of the paper point out the importance of the intensity of light on plant growing in predominantly urban growing conditions. The authors conducted an experimental research on Narcissus L. The focus was on 8 physical parameters of cultivated plants that are compared to average actual prices on the market of the Republic of Serbia. The contribution of authors is in pointing out an individual physical plant parameter with a decisive impact on its price. Narcissus L. growing under lower natural light intensity indicates that the biggest impact on plant price is that of the flower diameter (β = .555, п≤.001). Plant growing under higher light intensity has an impact on its price predominantly on the basis of the flower diameter (β=2.947, p≤.001) and stalk diameter (β = 2.947, п≤.001)

    Istraživanje produktivnosti i kvaliteta novostvorenih NS sorti i linija soje (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) u području Pančeva

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    Soybean Department of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia breeds highly productive soybean varieties of high-quality grain in accordance with the requirements of the market. The aim of this study was to determine the most-yielding NS soybean varieties for the agro-ecological conditions of Pančevo area in Serbia. This paper shows the analysis of yield and quality parameters of eight NS soybean varieties of I maturity group. Plot trial was carried out in Pančevo in 2011. All analyzed NS varieties achieved high yields. The highest average grain yield, and protein and oil yield was achieved by the new soybean variety NS Maximus (4,403 kg ha-1; 1,644 kg ha-1 and 1,023 kg ha-1, respectively) and line NS-L-210 391 (4,371 kg ha-1; 1,613 kg ha-1 and 973 kg ha-1, respectively), while the lowest yield was achieved by Diva (3,119 kg ha-1, 1,163 kg ha-1 and 701 kg ha-1, respectively). Average yield for these soybean varieties was 3,701 kg ha-1. NS Maximus recorded significantly higher yield than other tested varieties, except the line NS-L-210391. NS Maximus and NS-L-414260 achieved significantly higher oil content than the other tested cultivars, while NS-L-210385 had the highest protein content.U skladu sa zahtevima tržišta u Odeljenju za soju, Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad radi se na oplemenjivanju visoko produktivnih sorti soje i sorti visokog kvaliteta zrna. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se odrede najprinosnije NS sorte soje za agroekološke uslove Pančeva i okoline. U radu su prikazani rezultati analize prinosa i parametara kvaliteta osam NS sorti i linija soje I grupe zrenja. Mikroogled je izveden u Pančevu tokom 2011. godine. Sve testirane sorte ostvarile su visoke prinose. Najviši prinos zrna, prinos proteina i ulja imala je nova sorta soje NS Maximus (4.403 kg ha-1, 1.644 kg ha-1, 1.023 kg ha-1) i linija NS-L-210391 (4.371 kg ha-1, 1.613 kg ha-1, 973 kg ha-1), dok je najniže prinose imala sorta Diva (3.119 kg ha-1, 1.163 kg ha-1 i 701 kg ha-1). Prosečan prinos za ispitivane sorte soje bio je 3.701 ha-1. Sorta NS Maximus i linija NS-L-414260 imale su signifikantno viši sadržaj ulja u odnosu na ostale ispitivane sorte, dok je najveći sadržaj proteina imala linija NS-L-210385

    Acorn Morphometric Traits and Seedling Heights Variation of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.) from the Seed Stands in Croatia

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    Radi verifikacije važećih sjemenskih zona hrasta lužnjaka u Hrvatskoj na temelju znanstvenih spoznaja, započela su nova istraživanja genetske varijabilnosti u području prirodnog areala ove vrste. U jesen 2006. godine prikupljeno je sjeme iz tzv. priznatih sjemenskih sastojina, čija je osnovna uloga izvorište kvalitetnijeg sjemena za potrebe umjetne obnove gospodarskih sastojina. U radu se prikazuju rezultati morfometrijske analize sjemena i visina jednogodišnjih sadnica podrijetlom iz 17 uzorkovanih sastojina, koje reprezentiraju cjelokupni areal hrasta lužnjaka u Hrvatskoj. Iz svake je sastojine prikupljeno sjeme od 25 stabala, a na uzorku od 30 sjemenki po stablu izmjereni su duljina, maksimalna širina i masa žira, te su na temelju duljine i širine izračunati volumen žira (prema formuli za izračunavanje volumena valjka) i indeks žira (omjer duljine i širine). U rasadniku Hrvatskog šumarskog instituta osnovan je rani, rasadnički test, te su tijekom jeseni i zime 2007. godine, starosti biljaka 1+0, obavljene prve izmjere visina. Analiza varijance provedena je MIXED procedurom u SAS-u, a analizirani su: fiksni učinak važećih sjemenskih zona te slučajni učinci populacija unutar zona i stabala unutar populacija. Cilj analize varijance bio je utvrditi značajnost međuzonskih, međupopulacijskih i unutarpopulacijskih razlika za istraživana svojstva sjemena i visine jednogodišnjih sadnica. Tukey-Kramer testom u SAS-u analiziran je obrazac razlika između uzorkovanih populacija. Rezultati su pokazali da se važeće sjemenske zone nisu statistički značajno razlikovale niti za jedno analizirano svojstvo. Uzorkovane sastojine međusobno su se statistički značajno razlikovale u svim istraživanim svojstvima sjemena. Najveće prosječne dimenzije imali su žirevi iz sjemenske sastojine kasnolistajuće formehrasta lužnjaka Domačaj-Kovačevski lug (Šumarija Karlovac), dok su najmanje dimenzije imali žirevi iz sastojine Česma (Šumarija Bjelovar). Utvrđene međupopulacijske razlike nisu odgovarale važećoj sjemenskoj razdjelbi, tj. nisu potvrdile geografski obrazac diferencijacije populacija. Utvrđena je visoko statistički značajna unutarpopulacijska varijabilnost za istraživana svojstva sjemena (razlike između stabala odnosno familija unutar populacija). Prosječne vrijednosti visine jednogodišnjih sadnica bile su najniže kod populacije Česma (Šumarija Vrbovec) i Repaš Gabajeva greda (ŠumarijaRepaš), dok su najviše bile kod populacije Lacić Gložđe (Šumarija Koška) iRečićki lugovi (Šumarija Karlovac). I za svojstvo visine uočena je statstički značajna diferencijacija između populacija, iako je još veći stupanj varijabilnosti utvrđen između familija unutar svake populacije. Provedena je analiza s ciljem utvrđivanja postojanja geografskog obrasca međupopulacijske diferencijacije. Međutim niti za svojstvo visine sadnica nije se mogao uočiti geografski obrazac diferencijacije analiziranih populacija. Provedena korelacijska analiza između visina jednogodišnjih sadnica i morfometrijskih svojstava sjemena nije pokazala statistički značajnu povezanost.Seed zone delineation of pedunculate oak in Croatia was done according to ecological differences, stand productivity and administrative borders of Forest Range Offices (NN 107/08). Oak forests are divided into three seed zones and it is recommended to transfer reproductive material only within zones. Seed delineation was preformed due to Croatian Forest Reproductive Material Transfer Law (NN 75/09) that was aligned with EU Directive on forests reproductive material (1999/105/EC). Seed delineation should be done according to genetic differences between various zones i.e. provenance regions. Aiming at verification of current seed zones in Croatia, and on the basis of general knowledge on pedunculate oak genetic variation, research on genetic variation of the species in Croatia has been started. Due to that, seeds were collected within so called registrated seed stands which are normally used as a seed sources for regeneration of managed oak stands. Results of the study of seed morphometric analyses are presented in this paper. Seed were collected during autumn 2006 below 25 trees within each of 17 seed stands that represented whole distribution range of the species in Croatia (Table 1). 30 acorn from each tree were sampled for morphometric analysis and measured the height of seedlings. Acorn length, widths and masses and seedlings height were measured and acorn volumes were calculated according to formula for cylinder volume (Figure 1, 2). ANOVA was performed by MIXED procedure in SAS, in order to analyze significance of various effects. Results showed that current seed zones were not statistically significant effect (there were no significant differences between them), but there were significant differences between populations within zones, as well as between trees within populations (Table 2). Table 3 shows Type 3 significance F-test for fixed effect of populations within seed zones for studied acorn traits and for one-year seedling height. Determined populations differences did not match current seed delineation i.e. there were no obvious geographic pattern in between population variability for studied acorn traits as well as analyzed seedlings traits. Tukey-Kramer’s test was performed to determine the form and the differentiation which populations are separated statistically significantly. Test did not give results from which we could observe regularity in the geographical separation of populations for analyzed seedlings traits (Table 5). Population HR 88 (Lacići-Gložđe, Koška) was significantly differed from the geographically closed population HR HR 58 (Darda), HR 577 (Poljadijske šume, Požega) and HR 627 (Repaš), while at the same time did not differ from the distant population (HR 387 – Karlovac, Rečićki lugovi and HR 609 – Buzet). Statistically significant differences between populations for all analyzed traits clearly indicate the genetic differentiation of oak populations. However interpopulation differentiation did not correspond to the geographical pattern. Specific character of differentiation indicates ecotypic pattern of genetic differences between oak populations in Croatia, i.e. differentiation that are caused by adaptation to specific micro-enviromental conditions (e.g. humidity, temperature and edaphic features). To confirm the hypothesis of ecotype pattern of genetic diversity is necessary to conduct additional research in genetic tests (provenance and progeny tests). Differences between currently seed zones were not statistically significant for any of the analyzed traits, which has not confirmed valid justification of current seed delineation. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the analysis of seed morphometric traits are not adaptively valuable properties, while the results of the one-year seedling heights are not sufficiently reliable due to a very early age of plants. Therefore these results should be regarded only as a stimulus for further research of oak genetic diversity in Croatia


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    Dosadašnja istraživanja morfoloških i fizioloških svojstava hrasta lužnjaka u Hrvatskoj ukazala su na genetsku diferencijaciju lokalnih populacija, kao i visok stupanj genetske raznolikosti unutar svake populacije. Kako bi se dodatno istražila genetska raznolikost i diferencijacija populacija hrasta lužnjaka u Hrvatskoj, analizirani su visine i preživljenje u novoosnovanom genetičkom testu potomstva iz 16 sjemenskih sastojina i jedne gospodarske u dobi od četiri odnosno pet godina. Preživljenje u prvoj analiziranoj godini bilo je izuzetno visoko kod svih populacija, no nakon sljedećeg vegetacijskog perioda uočen je značajniji pad preživljenja. Analizom varijance za svojstvo visina za dvije uzastopne godine (2010. i 2011.), utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike između populacija. Ovisno o položaju unutar genetičkog testa za istu populaciju ili familiju utvrđeno je i različito "rasipanje" visina oko prosjeka. Proveden je Tukey-Kramer test najmanjih kvadratnih razlika za srednje visine populacija s ciljem utvrđivanja njihove povezanosti, odnosno utvrđivanja eventualnog postojanja geografskog obrasca genetske diferencijacije. Populacija HR 88 (UŠP Našice, Šumarija Koška, G.j. Lacić-Gložđe) se u obje godine diferencirala kao prosječno najviša, dok su se ostale izdvojene grupe populacija međusobno višestruko preklapale. Uspoređujući signifikantnost razlika u prosječnim visinama između populacija s njihovim geografskim položajem nije se mogao uočiti geografski obrazac diferencijacije. Zbog utvrđenog statistički visoko značajnog efekta blokova provedena je analiza fenotipske plastičnosti istraživanih populacija s obzirom na svojstvo visine u dobi od 5 godina (PIv, RDPI), no nije utvrđen geografski obrazac razdvajanja populacija. Populacije su kategorizirane u fenotipski stabilne, nestabilne te prosječne fenotipske plastičnosti s različitim stupnjevima prilagođenosti na testne stanišne uvjete koji su vladali u analiziranim godinama. Za pomlađivanje i pošumljavanje sličnih staništa kao što je bilo stanište pokusnog nasada preporučuje se korištenje šumskog reprodukcijskog materijala iz sjemenskih sastojina, čije je potomstvo iskazalo prosječnu do visoku fenotipsku stabilnost s visokim stupnjem prilagođenosti (u smislu preživljenja i visinskog rasta). Rezultate ovog istraživanja treba shvatiti kao preliminarne i poticaj za nastavak istraživanja.Previous studies of morphological and physiological trials of pedunculate oak in Croatia revealed genetic differentiation of local populations as well as high degrees of genetic diversity within each population. For further research of genetic diversity and differentiation of oak populations in Croatia, height and survival were analysed in a newly genetic test which contains progeny from 16 seed stands and one regular management forest stand (Table 1) at the age of four and five years, respectively (Figure 1 and 2). Survival for first analysed year was extremely good, but after the next vegetation period visibly decreased. Analysis of variance for mean height of two consecutive years (2010th and 2011th) revealed significant differences between populations (Table 2 and 3). Depending on the position within the genetic test same populations or families had different "dispersal" of mean height. We conducted a Tukey-Kramer test of the least square mean difference of population heights in order to determine their relationship, and to determine a possible geographic pattern of genetic differentiation (Table 5 and 6). Population HR 88 (FA Našice, Forestry Office Koška, Working unit Lacić-Gložđe) in both years differentiated as the highest of all, while other isolated groups of populations multiple overlapped. Comparing the significant difference in average height between populations and their geographic location geographic pattern of differentiation could not be observed (Table 5 and 6). An analysis of phenotypic plasticity of the studied populations for population height at age of 5 years was performed (Table 7) because of statistically significant effect of blocks. No geographic pattern of differentiation between populations was observed for the plasticity indices (PIv, RDPI) (Table 8). Populations were categorized into phenotypically stable, unstable, and with average phenotypic plasticity with varying degrees of adaptedness to the test site conditions that prevailed in the analysed years. For reforestation and afforestation of similar habitats as was at the field trial it is recommended to use forest reproductive material from seed stands whose progeny expressed average to high phenotypic stability with a high degree of adaptedness (in terms of survival and height growth). The results of this study should be considered as preliminary and stimulus for further research

    Ekološki parametri populacije zeca običnog (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) na području Međimurja nakon pada brojnosti posljednjih 40 godina

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    A total of 383 European hares (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) were sampled from three separate hunting grounds within the Međimurje region from 2004 to 2006 including, Čakovec, Hodošan and Mala Subotica. Based on the eye lens mass the age structure of hares was determined. Reproductive effort per capita varied from 0.62 to 1.54 leverets per hare with female reproductive effort varying from 0.62 to 3.40 leverets per female. On average 46.7% of the hunting bag consisted of yearlings. The sex ratio varied between years from 0.39 to 0.69 females:males. Weight varied significantly between juveniles and adults regardless of sex (p<0.05) and ranged from 3.64 to 4.17 kg. Spring densities varied from 15-23 hares/km2 between hunting grounds. Analysis of data from the management plans of Međimurje region over the last 38 years showed that game bag record decreased approximately 9-fold and the relative hare abundance declined by 56% from 1967 to 2005. According to management plans the area productive for hunting hares declined by 62% in that period and this is probably one of the main reasons for the current trend of population decline in Međimurje.U razdoblju od 2004.-2006. god. provedeno je istraživanje zeca običnog (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) na tri lovna područja Međimurja (Mala Subotica, Hodošan, Čakovec). Nakon odstrjela obrađena su 383 zeca. Temeljem mase očnih leća određivana je dobna struktura zečeva. Za istraživana lovna područja prosječan udio mladih jedinki iznosio je 46.7 % od ukupne populacije zečeva. Reprodukcijski indeks varirao je od 0.62 do 3.40, a koeficijent reprodukcije od 0.62 do 1.54. Proljetna gustoća populacije kretala se od 15 do 23 jedinki/100 ha lovno-produktivne površine. Omjer spolova ovisno o godini varirao je od 0.39-0.69. Razlika u težini mladih i starih jedinki oba spola bila je statistički značajna (P<0.05). Utvrđena prosječna težina zečeva prema dobi i spolu kretala se od 3.64 kod mladih do 4.17 kg kod odraslih. Analiza podataka iz planova gospodarenja za posljednjih 40 godina pokazala je da je odstrjel zečeva na istom području smanjen za 9 puta, a brojnost populacije 2005. god. u odnosu na 1967. god. smanjena je za 56 %. Analizom veličine lovno-produktivne površine iz planova gospodarenja utvrđeno je njeno smanjenje za navedeno razdoblje za 62 % pa je to vjerojatno i glavni razlog sadašnjem trendu pada brojnosti populacije u Međimurju

    Uticaj meteoroloških uslova na proizvodnju semena NS sorti soje

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    The perspective of our society cannot be imagined without the quality production and marketing of seeds in the country and abroad. On average, seed soya bean was annually planted on area of 7,151.8 ha in the period 2002-2007. Area under NS soya bean seed showed an annual trend rate of growth (9.21% with certain oscillations). In the research period, soya bean seed yield was 2.29 t ha-1 with a highly stable growth rate of 2.66%, while NS soya bean seed production in Serbia was 15,993 t with an annual growth rate of 12.59% with certain oscillations. Permanent growing trend of soya bean production is a result of increased area and yield. The increase of production was also affected by weather conditions. Such production volume fully meets domestic needs, while significant amount of seed still remains for export. .Perspektiva našeg društva se ne može zamisliti bez kvalitetne proizvodnje i plasmana semena u zemlji i inostranstvu. U periodu 2002-2007. pod semenskim usevom soje zasejano godišnje je u proseku 7.151,8 ha. Površine pod semenom NS sorti soje beleže tendenciju rasta po stopi od 9,21% godišnje, sa oscilacijama. Prinos semena soje u posmatranom periodu iznosio je 2,29 t/ha i beleži trend rasta po stopi od 2,66% i veliku stabilnost. Proizvodnja semenske NS soje u Srbiji, u posmatranom periodu, iznosi 15.993 t sa tendencijom rasta po stopi od 12,59% godišnje i oscilacijama. Permanentna tendencija rasta proizvodnje soje rezultanta je povećanja površina i prinosa. Na rast proizvodnje delovali su i klimatskih faktori. Ovakav obim proizvodnje u potpunosti zadovoljava domaće potrebe, a značajne količine semena ostaju i za izvoz.

    Managing agricultural company by using internal control and significance of risk presentation

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    The survival of a company on the market is possible if there is a good company managing, led by agile and professional management. Company development is a general objective and it can be achieved if the management of the company managed to establish their own style of organization and management. In addition to the aforesaid, the management should have a developed system of internal control within the regular and continuous business operations. Our contribution is reflected in the presentation of mode of managing nursery-garden plant production, using internal control for the benefits of management. We found that the application of detected risks in said production could be presented and illustrated in a range of risks, all of it with the aim of making management decisions that will reduce the overall risk of an agricultural company's business operations